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The Premier Advocacy Event for Financial Professionals.

May 19 – May 20, 2025 | Washington DC

NAIFA's Signature Grassroots Advocacy Event

Register Today

NAIFA’s annual Congressional Conference is crucial to our grassroots advocacy strategy. The event brings NAIFA members together as a critical mass to advocate on behalf of their businesses, clients, consumers, and the insurance and financial services industry. It provides targeted advocacy training with briefings on specific legislative issues, best practices for conducting congressional meetings, and tips for developing impactful long-term relationships with legislators.

Speaking as the Voice of the Industry

The Congressional Conference bolsters NAIFA’s prestige among lawmakers and industry partners and enhances our standing as the leading voice for insurance and financial professionals. It is crucial for ensuring lawmakers understand the essential roles NAIFA members play in:

  • Providing products, services, and advice that improve the financial security of 90 million American families.
  • Promoting financial literacy and self-sufficiency in diverse communities.
  • Strengthening the U.S. economy and contributing to the financial health of communities in every congressional district.
  • Representing the best interests of their clients and promoting the success of Main Street Americans and businesses.
Building Relationships

The personal stories of insurance and financial professionals profoundly illustrate how public policies impact their clients. These are stories lawmakers want and need to hear. No one can tell them better than NAIFA members, and the Congressional Conference is our best vehicle for reaching a large, captive audience of policymakers.

The Congressional Conference offers a great opportunity to get more NAIFA members to participate. Register today, and encourage your colleagues to join you.

The greater our numbers, the louder and more influential our voice!